Three players from the Argentina Women’s Soccer Team Have Resigned Amid a Significant Dispute

Argentina women's soccer team (Credit: Saeed Khan / AFP)

The Argentina women’s soccer team bids farewell to prominent players Laurina Oliveros, Julieta Cruz, and Lorena Benítez, who took a stand against the conditions imposed by the Argentine Football Association (AFA).

The Argentina women’s soccer team bids farewell to prominent players Laurina Oliveros, Julieta Cruz, and Lorena Benítez, who took a stand against the conditions imposed by the Argentine Football Association (AFA).

Before two friendlies against Costa Rica, Oliveros, Benítez, and Cruz made the difficult decision to depart from the team, citing unsatisfactory treatment and working conditions. Leaving a national team is a weighty choice, but the players felt compelled to advocate for better conditions to authentically represent their country. Cruz emphasized in an Instagram post, “Improvements are needed in the Argentine women’s football team, and I’m not just talking about the economic side. I’m talking about training and having proper meals—not just a banana handed out. I hope future generations won’t have to endure this and can truly enjoy being part of the national team.”

Financial inequality highlights frustration

Financial inequality is also a significant issue. The AFA notified the players that they would not be compensated for the friendlies against Costa Rica on Friday and Monday because the games are hosted in Buenos Aires. This lack of compensation further underscores the players’ frustration and the broader issue of inadequate support for women’s sports in Argentina.

Lorena Benitez wearing uniform number 16 showing on jersey in the middle of an Argentina women’s soccer game
Lorena Benitez #16 (Credit: Ulrik Pedersen/DeFodi Images via Getty Images)

Belief in a better future 

As the three players depart the team, they do so with the belief that things should be better. They have expressed that the team and women’s soccer deserve to be in a better position than they currently are. Benitez articulated in her Instagram post, “There may be thousands of people who are not interested in women’s football, but we really don’t care. We live with criticism every day, without others knowing our sacrifice or what we go through. But there are millions who are truly interested in contributing and helping us grow, receiving nothing in return. Hopefully, someday we can be where we truly deserve to be.”

Significantly, these three key players have left the Argentina women’s soccer team for a cause larger than themselves. Their departure does not go unnoticed. Oliveros shared her wishes on Instagram, saying, “may generations to come enjoy and be happy chasing the ball, as perhaps we were at some point.” It is with a great deal of hope that this draws attention to a significant issue that can be resolved for our future female athletes.

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