Jessica Long: From Siberian Orphan to Paralympic Legend

Born with a rare condition and adopted at a young age, Jessica Long found her passion for swimming, which allowed her to rise above challenges. With 30 Paralympic medals, Long’s inspiring story continues to motivate others, showing the power of perseverance and belief in oneself.
Jessica Long (Credit: Harry How/GettyIMages)

How Passion, Perseverance, and an Unbreakable Spirit Led Jessica Long to 30 Paralympic Medals and Worldwide Inspiration

Jessica Long is a remarkable Paralympic swimmer whose passion and determination shine every time she dives into the pool. With an impressive total of 30 Paralympic medals to her name, she recently secured another gold in the Women’s Para Swimming 100m Butterfly S8, capping off an extraordinary performance at the 2024 Paralympic Games in Paris. Long is known to be an inspiring Paralympic swimmer with an incredible life story.

Early Childhood

Long’s journey began in Siberia, Russia in 1992, where she was born with fibular hemimelia, a rare condition affecting the development of her legs. Her young biological mother, faced with the challenges of raising a child with a disability, made the difficult decision to place Long for adoption. Meanwhile, in Baltimore, Maryland, Steve and Beth Long felt called to adopt and asked many where they could at the church they attended. Their path led them to a Russian orphanage where they discovered not just Long, but also a young boy named Joshua. At just 13 months old, Long and Joshua were adopted together, beginning a new chapter in their lives. In an interview with Rana Labs, Long reflects on a story that her dad would tell her. “He remembers walking in the door and looking for me and brother Joshua right away. In his eyes, we were his kids. We were siblings and everything. He was just so excited to hold us,” Long explains. Long’s childhood story beautifully illustrates the extraordinary ways in which God influences our lives. It also shows how adoption can ensure that children are placed with families who have prepared for their arrival. 

Finding Her Passion in Swimming

Her parents made sure that all their kids were involved in sports at a young age. Long and her siblings all found a sport that intrigued them. That sport for Long was swimming. She states in the interview, “I found swimming and I loved it. I would spend hours and hours in my grandparent’s backyard pool and it was my favorite place to be. In the water, I don’t realize I am missing my legs.” At ten years old, Long went on to join her first swim team and later competed in her first Paralympic Games. It was in 2004 in Athens, Greece when Long competed for the first time at a higher level and she was just twelve years old. Not only did she compete, but she won her first gold medal in her first Paralympic Games. 

Swimming Legend

Long’s story reflects a profound determination, fueled by the unwavering support of her adoptive family and her inner drive. From discovering her love for swimming as a child to winning her first gold medal at the age of 12, Long has continuously defied expectations and overcome challenges. Her legacy goes beyond her 30 Paralympic medals, serving as an inspiration to countless individuals facing adversity, proving that passion, resilience, and belief can break down any barrier.

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